Masters Mix Substrate


About The Vendor

Apex Mushroom Farms

Denver , Colorado


Masters Mix Substrate is a specially formulated mushroom growing substrate for growing gourmet edible mushrooms. Each bag contain 50% Oak and 50% Soy Hulls.  Oak is perfect for hardwood loving species and the soy hulls provide a rich Nitrogen composite that mushrooms crave.    is sterilized and ready to use from the box. Each grow bag comes with a  .05 µm filter patch to provide perfect fresh air exchange and filter out bacteria and other contaminants. We use the largest spawn bags available to insure plenty of room for substrate and the fruiting mushrooms.  This cultivation standard mix helps to speed up growth and maximize yield.  Cultivating in these mushroom grow bags you won't have to adjust humidity or worry about contaminants compromising your grow. This is beginner proven, with maximum yields.

  • Media- Hardwood Mix
  • Moisture Content- Hydrated to field capacity
  • Bag Weight- 6-8 lbs 


  • Add 1 lb of colonized grain spawn for every 5 lbs of sterile substrate.
  • Store the bag in a room at about 68-72° and away from direct sunlight to allow the mycelium to colonize.
  • After roughly 2 weeks (species dependent) cut an "X" in the side of the bag and mist 3-5 times daily to keep your mushrooms hydrated.  

We guarantee our products are 100% sterile and we will replace or refund any product that hasn’t been opened or injected up to 30 days after receiving your item.

  • Weighs 5 lbs
  • 12 x 5 x 6 in
  • Conveniently packaged

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